Monday, August 17, 2009

FLASH: No Rest For the Wicked

Although extra terrestrials have obviously been known to exist for years there has never been knowledge of what these space beings want from us... until now.

Space beings (aka aliens, extra terrestrials or bigfoot in space) ave been abducting humans and cows for years without making any attempt at opening up a dialogue.  While society has been scratching its collective heads ignoring the obious existence of alien life we have been seeking a method to their madness.

The answer is quite simple.  If you are wicked then they don't want you to rest.  This perfectly explains why they are interacting with us in such an odd and frightening fashion.  It also explains why most UFO sightings are by drunkards and harlots.  Likewise, lost time isn't noticed by anyone but evil business moguls or prostitutes.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre